BYM is the Youth Ministry of BCCC and has been formed to minister to the special and broad needs of Youth within and outside the church. The problems and challenges that we face on an everyday basis is distinct from those faced by adults. Our goal is to identify those needs and consider them from a Christian perspective. In general we are trusting God to help meet the following needs:

1) Spiritual needs : BYM aims to raise God’s generals who will develop spiritually and mature in the things of God.

2) Emotional needs: Our desire is to provide an atmosphere of love to which the youth belong. One of the young persons’ greatest needs is that of self-esteem and confidence. Other changes experienced as we grow can add to a confused sense of well-being and security, therefore BYM looks to build up the young person and emphasize that inner beauty.

3) Psychosocial: True individuality is scarce among the Youth community, and as a result we see them share common interest in areas such as music, clothing styles and language. This shared experience helps them develop their adult identities. We at BYM hope to offer a positive peer environment that leads to strong and healthy life skills and personal identity. We believe that this with prayers, hard work and God’s favour will help us reach successful heights in our chosen careers and in life.

Our annual Youth day is usually a fun filled event covering music, talk show, dance and drama.