Monday 6th - Sunday 26th January  2025.

Join us for this 21 days PRAYER and FASTING that will empower 
you to do EXPLOITS. Victory is yours in CHRIST.

ACTS 1:8:

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

We will be meeting every day Online during this period.
Connect with us on:
Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/BodyOfChristChristianCentre
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bocm1tv

Mondays to Saturdays @ 7.00pm.
Sundays @  10.00am

The Lord will work a great miracle in your life as you attend.

Prayer Points will be on the website everyday during this season, 
so make sure to pray along with us during this time. God bless.



ACTS 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

You can join us in prayers during this period, distance is no problem. 
Daily Prayer Points will be uploaded for each day.

Monday 6th January 2025
Acts 1:8

1.   I receive Power to overcome my enemies in Jesus name.  
2.   Holy Spirit empower me to do exploits for the Kingdom. 
3.   Cloth me with Power from high to pull down strongholds of the wicked.  
4.   Make me a committed witness of your Power and the Gospel. 
5.   Oh Lord, let me become a good Ambassador, to represent you everywhere I go. 
6.   Give me the Grace oh Lord, to spread the Good News to the very ends of the Earth. 
7.   Holy Spirit come over me and guide me through the journey of Life.

Tuesday 7th January 2025
Ephesians 6:10

1.   I receive strength from above to conquer all my adversaries in Jesus name.   
2.   I have the Greater one in me, therefore I crush all my enemies under my feet.  
3.   Make me strong in you, Oh Lord.  
4.   Oh Lord, let the Might in your Power work for me in every situation.  
5.   Deliver me and my family from every form of evil, oh Lord.
6.   Lord let your Mighty Power destroy every evil power rising against me. 
7.   Finally oh Lord, let me be strong in you and in the strength of your might.

Wednesday 8th January 2025
Psalm 24:7

1.   Every good door shut against me, I command open right now by fire. 
2.   Lord let your Glory shine into my life.  
3.   Every ancient gate against me, give way instantly. 
4.   Oh Lord enter my life and transform it for your Glory. 
5.   I declare my head be lifted up right now in Jesus name. 
6.   Let your Glory oh Lord, take me to my next level. 
7.   Let your Glory shine through me, that all men may see and Glorify your name.

Thursday 9th January 2025
Psalm 126:1

1.   Oh Lord, deliver me from every captivity of the enemy.  
2.   Restore all my stolen blessings, oh Lord.  
3.   I come out from every demonic cage in Jesus name.  
4.   I receive my deliverance on Mount Zion in Jesus name.   
5.   I declare that all my dreams and aspirations will be fulfilled in Jesus name.  
6.   Restore me Oh Lord, to the original plan you have for my destiny.  
7.   I uproot by fire every evil seed in my live and destiny.

Friday 10th January 2025
Hebrews 12:29

1.   Let your fire consume every work of the flesh in my life, oh Lord.
2.   Let your fire revive me Spiritually.  
3.   Make me a carrier of your fire every where I go.  
4.   Fire of God lead me in the journey of life. 
5.   I destroy by fire every evil work of the enemy in my life.   
6.   I build a wall of fire around me and my family in Jesus name. 
7.   Let your fire, oh Lord take me to my next level of success in Jesus name.

Saturday 11th January 2025
John 7:37

1.   Let your greatness become manifest in my Life, oh Lord.  
2.   I receive the Power and Grace to do exploits for the Kingdom. 
3.   Oh Lord, satisfy my Spiritual thirst and hunger for you. 
4.   I conquer every demonic power assigned against my life and destiny. 
5.   I will stand out in the gathering of my colleagues and contemporaries in Jesus Name.
6.   Hear my voice oh Lord, whenever I cry out to you. 
7.   As I come to you oh Lord, let me experience your rest.

Sunday 12th January 2025
Luke 2:52

1.   Lord let there be great Increase in my Life. 
2.   Give me the Grace to grow in you. 
3.   Lord give me excellent and unparalleled Wisdom. 
4.   Let me increase in Stature and maturity in every area of my Life. 
5.   Let me experience your unconditional favour in my live, oh Lord. 
6.   Men will begin to favour me everywhere I go from this moment. 
7.   Unusual Grace locate me and my family from now on.

Monday 13th January 2025
Romans 8:14

1.   Touch me Lord with your finger of miracle.
2.   Let your eyes of favour locate me, oh Lord. 
3.   Speak a Word of transformation into my life. 
4.   Let me begin to function in your image and likeness. 
5.   Breath oh Lord, your breath into my life to achieve greater things. 
6.   Give me the Grace oh Lord to trace and walk in your foot steps. 
7.   In still your Spirit in me to Guide, keep and Protect me.

Tuesday 14th January 2025
Deuteronomy 6:5

1.   Lord give me the Grace to love you.  
2.   Remove from my heart every veil shielding my love for you.  
3.   Increase my love for you oh Lord.  
4.   Rekindle my first love for you, my God.  
5.   Remove every challenge killing my love for you, oh Lord.  
6.   Let my heart be filled with your love and nothing else. 
7.   Give me a love that overlooks every offence.

Wednesday 15th January 2025
1 Peter 5:7

1.   Remove every evil burden from my life, oh Lord. 
2.   I cast all my anxiety on you, oh Lord.  
3.   I separate my life from sorrow this moment. 
4.   I remove every evil weight slowing me down.  
5.   I destroy every burden meant for my destruction in Jesus name.
6.   Oh Lord I exchange all my disappointments with joy from you. 
7.   Give me the Grace to release all my anxiety unto you, oh Lord.

Thursday 16th January 2025
Exodus 23:25

1.   Lord give me the Grace and Power to serve you whole heartedly. 
2.   Let me focus on you oh Lord without wavering.  
3.   Bless, oh Lord the work of my hands.  
4.   I shall increase and prosper in all my endeavours. 
5.   Remove every form of sickness far away from me and my family.  
6.   Establish and remember me, oh Lord in the land of the living.  
7.   Let the world know that I am serving a living God through your blessings in my life.

Friday 17th January 2025
Psalm 121:1

1.   I look up to you oh Lord, deliver me from evil.  
2.   I destroy every power lifting itself against me.   
3.   Give me the Grace, oh Lord to focus only on you.  
4.   Oh Lord, send help to me from heaven.  
5.   Send your fire from heaven to destroy every work of the enemy. 
6.   I command your Angels from heaven oh Lord, to guard me and my family. 
7.   I receive the power to trust you oh Lord, no matter the situation.

Saturday 18th January 2025
Isaiah 54:17

1.   I destroy every weapon of the enemy fashioned against me and my family. 
2.   I command fire from heaven to destroy the power house of my enemy.  
3.   I silence every tongue that rises up against me.  
4.   I pull down every stronghold of the evil one built around my life and destiny. 
5.   I claim and possess my heritage from the Lord.  
6.   I scatter by fire every evil gathering against me and my family.  
7.   I cancel with the Blood of Jesus every evil judgement against my life.

Sunday 19th January 2025
Psalm 118:17

1.   I will not die any death in Jesus name. 
2.   I bind every agent of death assigned against my family.  
3.   I consume with fire every garment of death and grave in Jesus name. 
4.   I shall live and fulfill my destiny here on earth, by Grace.   
5.   I shall proclaim and testify of the Goodness of God in my life.  
6.   Oh Lord, give me the boldness to tell of your wonders in my life.
7.   Do something new in my life, Oh Lord that all eyes will see and Glorify your Name.

Monday 20th January 2025
John 1:5

1.   Let your Light shine through my life, Oh Lord. 
2.   I disable the power of darkness over my life in Jesus name.   
3.   Make me a bearer of your Light in the World, oh Lord.  
4.   I destroy every effort of darkness to overcome me in Jesus name.   
5.   I am more than a conqueror by the Power in the Name of Jesus.  
6.   I scatter by fire every activity of darkness against me and my family.
7.   I surround myself and my family with the Light of God.

Tuesday 21st January 2025
Proverbs 13:4

1.   I cast out every spirit of procrastination from my life.  
2.   I overcome the stronghold of laziness over my life.  
3.   I destroy every spirit of lack over my destiny.  
4.   Oh Lord, give me the Grace to be very diligent in all my endeavours.    
5.   I shall become fruitful, multiply and prosper in everything I do from now on in Jesus name.  
6.   I come against every demon of waste and spirit of emptiness in my life and destiny. 
7.   I receive the Spirit of Excellence for exploits in Jesus name.

Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Genesis 32:26

1.   I receive everlasting blessings from above in Jesus name.   
2.   I take back by fire all my stolen blessings. 
3.   I destroy every power holding me captive in Jesus name.
4.   Spiritual blessings from the Throne of God is my portion in Jesus name. 
5.   Oh Lord, speak a Word into my life, that will transform it for good. 
6.   I command the Angels of God to go forth and recover all my hidden blessings. 
7.   This is my time and season to be celebrated in Jesus name. 

Thursday 23rd January 2025
Psalm 42:1

1.   Lord give me the Grace to thirst for You.  
2.   Oh Lord, let your Living water flow over my soul.  
3.   I declare no more dryness in my life.  
4.   Lord give me the strength to seek after you.  
5.   Oh Lord, satisfy my hunger for you.  
6.   Let me live my whole life for you, oh Lord.   
7.   Perfect that which concerns me, oh Lord. 

Friday 24th January 2025
Proverbs 18:10

1.   Oh Lord, hid me and my family under the Wings of your Shadow, for safe keep.  
2.   Build a hedge of safety around me, oh Lord.  
3.   I will out run and out smart all my enemies in Jesus name.  
4.   By the Grace of God I will finish this Christian race successfully.  
5.   By the Power in the Name of the Lord I overcome all household powers and gods. 
6.   I am righteous through the Blood of Jesus, therefore I overcome every demon against me. 
7.   I declare that I am in the tower of safety, no evil will befall me or my family. 

Saturday 25th January 2025
Isaiah 60:1

1.   I arise out of obscurity from this moment in Jesus name. Amen.  
2.   I destroy by fire every power trying to stop my rising. 
3.   I shall arise and shine forth like the light in Jesus name. 
4.   Oh Lord, let your Light break forth over my Life and Destiny. 
5.   I declare that the Glory of God begin to rise upon my life now.  
6.   Oh Lord, give me the Grace to dwell in your Glory always. 
7.   Any evil hand trying to tamper with my Glory, be consumed by fire in Jesus name. 

Sunday 26th January 2025
Ephesians 1:3

1.   My soul, Bless the Lord and all that is within me, Bless His Holy Name. 
2.   My Heavenly Father, let your Divine will be done in my life.  
3.   As a child of God, I receive every blessing in Christ Jesus.  
4.   Oh Lord, shower me with your blessings from your Throne. 
5.   I receive every blessing meant for me in the Spiritual realm in Jesus name. Amen. 
6.   I bind every demon on assignment against my destiny in the spiritual realm.   
7.   I take my Spiritual position in the Heavenly Place to fulfill my assignment in Jesus name.